USBDLM V4 - USB Drive Letter Manager for Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 and Vista See included USBDLM help file USBDLM_ENG.CHM for detailed information and history. +======================================================================+ | If the help doesn't work, right click the file, choose "Properties", | | click "Unblock" and OK. | +======================================================================+ More information about licences and prices at the USBDLM homepage: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USBDLM is freeware for private and educational use. Educational means institutions where the students outnumber all others. For use in any other environement you need a licence (after a test 30 days test period). The software is NOT Public Domain software. You are allowed to freely distribute of the software, but I retain ownership and copyright of the software. You may distribute the software under the following conditions: - You may not modify the program or documentation files in any way - You must include all the files that were in the original distribution - You may not reverse engineer the software - You may not sell the software or charge a distribution fee, except to recover the media costs The software and related documentation are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. 12th April 2008 Uwe Sieber